It aired with constant good TRPs but now time has arrived to bid adieu, contentedly on a festive note. The show, which began revolving around the lives of students of a prestigious law college, Westwood College of Law, has gone through lot of twist and turns. It entertained all with three leading ladies Ela, Sanju and Vinnie, played by Charlie Chauhan, Fenil Umrigar and Shritama Mukherjee respectively.
According to source, “Finally it will be shown that Anu (Megha Chatterjee) Ma'am was the culprit behind every mess and chaos that happened between the friends and she was stalking and manipulating Ella, Sanju, and Vinnie. However, it will be shown that Anu will confess that she never wanted peace and prosperity among each other and it was a prank that she played and she eventually started enjoying it as well. Soon after her confession police will arrest her.”
On the other end Varun (Yuvraj Thakur) will apologize to his friends and they all will live happily ever after.
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